Meet Dave Houser

Founder of the Legendary Wealth Method

How We Got Here...

Growing up, my family didn't really talk about money. The advice I got was simple: find a job with good pay and benefits, save for retirement, and everything will be fine. But despite working tirelessly, I always felt like I was going nowhere fast.

That frustration drove me to start OWN Life. Here, we believe that anyone can thrive financially with the right skills. Instead of focusing on retirement, we focus on designing a plan that functions under any scenario and provides flexibility when life changes for you AND be successful in your future.

Through my own journey, I've learned that having a solid cash flow is crucial to success. It not only brings peace of mind but also provides the flexibility to handle challenges and enjoy life more fully.

At Own Life, we believe creating and managing cash flow, to live more and worry less is the leading factor to begin life by design. Personally, I decided to hit the road with my dogs Hank (the white dog) and Pete to explore the country and found a new home in South Lake Tahoe, CA. I realized that true wealth is about owning life experiences, and money gives us the freedom to have greater choices to enjoy our time.

Mastering money isn't just about numbers – it's about living in a constant state of choice.

"Be Bigger, Badder, and Bolder."

The Power of The Legendary Wealth Method...

In today's world, it's easy to spend your paycheck as soon as it hits your account. Our mission is to create a new possibility for clients to prioritize building wealth and protecting their money as the foundation. Consider it this way- Wealth Creation before spending.

This approach allows for real-time adjustments while being focused on the future. Our goal is to ensure you're in the best possible financial position, regardless of what is happening around you.

Families typically come to us because they lack structure in their cash flow. It is difficult to save money. They find themselves paying taxes, social security, employee benefits, subscriptions, and living expenses day-to-day, without putting anything into savings. This leaves them feeling like they're constantly treading water financially.

The LWM (Legendary Wealth Method), puts you in control of every dollar. While some funds go towards necessary expenses, the primary objective is to grow your money supply with limited risk and provide your family with maximum benefits, both now and in the future.

What makes us different is that we are at your side as you master your maximum financial potential so that your life is filled with power, freedom and peace of mind to live life fully engaged.

4 Ways To Master Your Money

Begin to take back control over your life

  • Money Allocation

  • Be Prepared

  • Communicate

  • Control Dollars

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