Legendary Wealth Method

"Wealth is the ability to fully experience life." Henry David Thoreau

What is the LWM?

Our approach is far from one-size-fits-all. It demands effort from both our clients and our team to tailor the best choice for you to make. We want to create the structure of what is possible for you, to choose freely what you choose to have in this lifetime- You own your life.

The 4 Areas of Possibility We Start With:

Step 1: Decide

What is possible if you create a life where you become a money magnet? Have you considered where you stand with your finances? Do you put that off to “someday”?

Let's eliminate fear and face the situation head on.  It's time to gain clarity with our 17 Point Assessment. We will identify where losses are occurring, find solutions to plug those holes and explore the choices that you have for more money that comes flowing back into your life for you to live fully and freely without stressing about finances.

If we're solely reliant on one income source, our freedom of choice becomes limited. Let's break free from that constraint and empower ourselves to make choices and freely act to enjoy this life. The goal is to have more freedom of choice and having one source of income severely restrains your maximum financial potential.

Step 2: Develop

What do you stand for?   Is it your intention to work your whole life to create a retirement for a company executive or someone else?  We help you build your Declaration of what you believe and empower you to lead your life without restraints.

Wealth building is not only about finances.  Money is a piece to the puzzle as you can see in the Thoreaux quote at the top of the page.  Life is to be experienced!  Money can be used to create more possibilities for you and your family.

After establishing the structure for your cashflow to work through possibilities will open up for you to choose how money is put to use to generate more assets—a concept we refer to as Capital Flow. The goal is to put your assets to work so they can generate additional income streams, thereby enriching our lives with more cashflow to utilize, and put in place a tax strategy for long term wealth building.

Step 3: Defend

People tend to focus on the sexy part of money and the chasing of returns.  This approach can be exciting for people but it leaves individuals exposed to risk of loss.  Risk can be absolute like jumping off a cliff or you can mitigate risk of loss through insurance products such as auto and home insurance, liability, disability, health, long-term care, death.  Absolute risk is not insurable. 

Our possessions and what we most care about can be insured in some fashion and that begins at the paycheck and protecting the number one asset in your life- Yourself. The Protection Audit serves as an examination of 9 Areas of Protection to ensure our clients achieve the maximum protection available for their savings and assets when the unexpected occurs. 

Our goal is to maintain financial integrity and not crumble when things go wrong.  The best type of planning is one that puts you in the best position no matter what so that life for your family is not compromised.  The audit lets us know how much you choose to reduce the chance of loss in your life.

Step 4: Delegate

When it comes to crafting your legacy, I always like to start with a powerful phrase: 'Live Your Legend'. 

You are not a robot.  You are a powerful human being that has a lifetime of experiences to share with those around you.  How do you embrace who you are? What traditions do you want to pass on to future generations?. As a parent, have you instilled the essence of 'Live Your Legend' in your children- nurturing their individuality, empowering them to chase their dreams, and fostering a strong sense of being fully alive. 

We review current estate planning documents that you have; Last Will and Testament, Health Care Directive/Proxy, Durable Power of Attorney, and Trust planning. Lastly, your charitable contributions, they're an extension of your legacy. 'Live Your Legend,' making a real difference in the world. It's about impacting the people you surround yourself with so that they are inspired to go out and do they same- even long after you're gone.

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to change you is the greatest accomplishment.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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