We are out to discover areas that have blind spots in your financial world that can hold families back from reaching their maximum financial potential.
Identify where losses are occurring and redirect them back into your world.
Healthy cashflow is the best indicator of financial performance.
Using assets to create new assets is putting dollars to work with greater efficiency.
Build Reserve
Real vs Paper Assets
Living Balance Sheet
Wealth building ensures assets will be available in the future to use.
Protecting against loss is a major factor wealth building and protecting your number one asset.
Auto, Home, Liability
Disability, LTC
Life Insurance
Protections mitigate losses and give your peace of mind
Creating ways that dollars work to earn greater returns is essential.
Trust Planning
Owning the final wishes as to how your affairs are handled is a key principle with the LWM.
Consider that most clients come to us to create a future that they have only dreamed about. After setting up the structure for cash to flow through their lives clients open up to possibilities they initially said seemed impossible. Imagine being in a world where money is not the first factor in making a choice in what you do or do not do. How would life be different for you?
The Clarity Call is an invitation to share information that you would like to get insight on, and discover new possibilities. Through this call a doctrine is created to guide future financial decisions and what to expect through the process are set during this call.
17 questions to uncover the baseline. Remember that this process is about you. I give no opinions or suggestions during this meeting. At the end of the meeting you gain a clear idea of the areas to concentrate on in the initial phase working together.
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